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I don’t have the gift of diplomacy, like some.
I do have the grace of honesty. I’d rather have the ugly truth than a pretty lie.
Why? Because it’s not based on reality. A lie is make-believe, fantasy, fabricated nonsense.
No matter how ugly the truth is, we need to hear it.

And because in truth we find freedom. But that’s also another topic for another time.

Angels are created beings, yet there is no record in Scripture of this creative act taking place. When or where or how it happened, we can only speculate. We aren’t introduced to angels in the Biblical record until after time began. A few verses hint toward their appearance being early in the creation week when the heavens were formed (Genesis 1-2).

Angels don’t get a second chance. But humans do. It’s called redemption. And the enemy hates it. Because as an angel who messed up, he doesn’t get a second chance.  

Have you noticed how the enemy works? He convinces the pregnant woman, her partner and/or the family that it was a mistake — that she needs to take care of it.

You’re not old enough to raise a child.

You’re not ready to have a baby – you’re in school and/or pursuing your career.

You can’t afford another baby.

You’re already a single mom – you can’t raise another child on your own… 

But then after the woman gets the abortion, he whispers, 

Ahh, look what you’ve done. You killed your baby. Forget about reading your Bible, praying and going to church. God can’t forgive you for this. He wants nothing to do with you now. 

Lies. Always lies.

And instead of there being one victim from the abortion, we have three: the baby, the woman and the man. Because deep within our souls we know it’s a baby, and deep within our souls we know that abortion kills. How do we know this? Because God made us like Him, to know good from evil and right from wrong.

The devil is a murderer and the father of lies (John 8:44). When will we choose to stop listening to him?

Someone has to speak up for the babies and for life as God created it. Because almost all of what’s being printed in the news, shouted at state capitols and posted on social media is simply not true.

You want to follow the science? Here’s some science:

  1. Fact: By the end of five months, fetal development has advanced to include:
    The heartbeat (this starts approx. 21-22 days after conception);
    Baby’s senses are engaged – smell, vision, hearing, touch and taste;
    Digestion, swallowing, major organs working;
    The skeleton structure is now hardened, from cartilage to bone,
    Brain impulses are firing;
    Fingerprints are fully-formed;
    DNA, gender, blood type, blood vessels, nerves – all in place;
    Muscle movement, reflexes and facial expressions;
    If the embryo were to grow throughout the entire nine months at the rate she’s growing during the first several weeks (as much as 4.1% per day), when she’s born she would weigh over one ton!
    If your unborn baby is a girl, her ovaries contain more than two million eggs;
    If you have an ultrasound, you may see her sucking her thumb, yawning or doing gymnastics;
    If an abortion takes place at the four-month stage of pregnancy or after, this sweet baby, this miracle of human life, will feel pain.

2. Fact: Most countries and U.S. states only allow abortion through the first four to five months of pregnancy. Most countries and U.S. states don’t allow abortion through all nine months. North Korea and China do, and now California does. And if an abortion doctor botches the procedure, the baby is left to die, set aside and allowed to suffer. It is inhumane and nothing less than torture. One of the bills passed through California legislation and signed into law in September 2022 (AB 2223) “removes all penalties from anyone violating abortion health and safety standards when performing an abortion on a woman through all nine months of pregnancy” (see source links at end of post).

3. Fact: “Limited” OB ultrasound scans are performed by pregnancy centers with a license from their state Public Health Department authorizing them to function as a community medical clinic. Opponents of pregnancy centers accuse us of being fake – partly because our ultrasound scans are “limited.”
Do you realize that every doctor who practices medicine offers “limited” medical services? Think about it…
Does your physical therapist treat you for kidney disease?
Does your anesthesiologist or cardiologist do eye exams?
Does your dentist perform brain surgery or set broken bones?
“Limited” means focused. Every doctor focuses on or specializes in a particular field of medicine.
The American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) recognizes limited OB ultrasound as an actual medical procedure, and many OB doctors do limited OB ultrasound scans. It means they’re looking for a limited or specific number of markers.

4. Have an STI/STD? Did someone tell you it’s normal and lots of people have them? Fact: You would be shocked at the number of current STIs and how fast they spread. Abstinence prevents STIs/STDs. Having only one safe partner of the opposite sex prevents STIs/STDs. Sexually-transmitted infections and diseases are health hazards, can cause complications in pregnancy, can affect the baby, and shouldn’t be considered normal.

5. Fact: Women’s abortion decisions rarely stem from rape or incest. The percentage of rape victims who choose abortion is 1%. For victims of incest who choose abortion it’s 0.5%. Most abortion decisions are based on either finances or socio-economic reasons, the inconvenient or unwanted major life-change, or because the woman is single and/or having relationship issues.

Not every woman with an unintended pregnancy wants an abortion. At our pregnancy medical clinic we use the modern inventions of electricity and ultrasound to peek inside the womb and introduce the parents to their baby! Dads and moms are in awe (and in tears) when they see their baby very much alive and moving inside the womb.
Yes, this amazing adventure called parenting is demanding, exhausting, and requires tons of self-discipline and sacrifice! But parenting doesn’t limit our possibilities – it expands them and rewards us like nothing else. There is so much beauty within motherhood as we partner with the Creator to nurture and give birth, bringing life into the world.

Feeling bad about abortion is a good thing.
But today in our nation, too many people don’t feel bad about it. We’ve been so desensitized and our consciences have been so coated with scar tissue from other lawlessness, we no longer feel regret.
This is not a good thing.

What are we gonna do about it?
To be continued…

(Sources: https://www.babycenter.com/pregnancy/your-baby/fetal-development-week-by-week_10406730; https://www.californiafamily.org/ab2223/;
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23569080/#:~:text=Between%209%20and%2010%20weeks%20of%20gestation%2C%20the%20absolute%20growth,(SD%200.006)%20per%20day; https://www.cdc.gov/std/prevention/default.htm; https://stdcenterny.com/articles/std-risk-with-one-time-heterosexual-encounter.html; https://www.guttmacher.org/journals/psrh/2005/reasons-us-women-have-abortions-quantitative-and-qualitative-perspectives)

(images courtesy of Pixabay)